Hi! Welcome to my new website. Shout out to Mhykol for helping me get it setup!
For a while now I have been using Google Docs to maintain a running “blog” of my content creation stuff and after spending 90 days living in the woods for my 2023 subathon I thought maybe it was time to start a new site.
Whats the purpose of this site? Well as of writing this it is to detail my adventures in the woods. I probably should have set this up a long time ago considering I am writing this after living in the woods for 90 days, but here we are.
I am sure I will fall behind and not always update this, but I am hoping to share my adventure and post about the items I have used to create the cabin I sit inside of at this moment. I don’t know when I will be returning to civilization but as of right now I do know it won’t be in 2023.
Thanks for stopping by and I hope you hang around for a bit!
Looks good!
Didn’t this guy start Mindcrack?
What’s a “Mindcrack” :3 /s